We are having a drought in Texas even while other states are having severe floods.
I’ve had my own droughts and floods lately in creativity. I’ve discovered that the more you welcome ideas, the more ideas you have. Rather than the well running dry after writing them all down, the ideas seem to open up the channels further and more come out. I couldn’t go to sleep, drive my car, or eat a meal without having to stop to jot down a new thought.
But then I went through a resentful time. I was so tired and stretched so thin, even though all the “obligations” were of my own choosing, that I shut down without realizing I was doing it. I kept pushing myself to write during my scheduled times so I wouldn’t go back to my old procrastination issues. It turns out my creativity is like a cranky toddler that has learned to say “no”. Or like a sky that won’t rain.
So now I’m trying out new ways of keeping the flow going. For the rest of September I plan to keep showing up at scheduled times, but whether I am “productive” or not, it’s okay. I won’t stress over it. After all, the reason I write is because, ordinarily, I can’t stop writing in my head. The ideas come unbidden and grow and develop into stories whether I write them down or not.
Eventually it will rain again, and I’ll be ready.