My new gym. There’s never a line for the stairs and no electricity needed.
Ghanta Karna is a festival celebrated by the Newar people of Bhaktapur, Nepal. Demons are burned in effigy to chase away bad spirits and illness. Small bundles of straw are burned in front of homes, but the large elaborate demons are constructed and burned in the town squares. Like most festivals, it is also a good time for socializing with neighbors.
Behind Dattatreya Temple, the smaller demon is almost finished.
The largest demon in progress. His name, Ghanta Karna, refers to his having bells in his ears.
Um…it’s an anatomically correct demon.
The main demon is complete and just waiting for dark.
The smaller demon is put into place behind the temple. Once it’s burning the larger one is carried around it in a circle it three times before going to its place to burn in front of the temple.